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October 2006 Archives

October 6, 2006

I am back in the Game!

Well let me introduce myself, I am an old pro who played poker every day and all night. Woke up and talked poker with friends and even had poker nights for fun. I got so burnt out with poker that I just quit. Did not play a single hand of poker for almost a year and basically played very little for two years. I recently took a trip over to the casino and hit up the tables and had a great day. After my 11 day winning streak I’M BACK BABY! Now its more of a surplus income today as I have another job that pays the bills, but I really enjoy the surplus. This blog should be about my life and thoughts of how the game has changed. I hope to include poker theory and discuss it with other poker pros in the blogging world.

October 12, 2006

Born and Raised a live Poker Player

I started playing poker before the BIG online poker boom. So everything I learned was at the live tables. Which means I learned things like poker etiquette and how to be a good winner and a good loser. So much of what I want people to know is that how you act outside of your betting actions effects your long term profits. I enjoy discussing poker theory and comparing thoughts of the best way to play hands. I also want to talk a little about how people should act at the table, not just because its more pleasant for everyone but because its more profitable. That’s because I believe a unhappy loser will lose a lot fast, but a happy loser will lose longer, and maybe come back and lose again just for fun.

October 18, 2006

Tough Start

Well I have been playing poker and finding that its very hard to get my concentration and focus back. Live poker has slumps that just go on forever. We are talking 3 hours with out winning a hand. And these happen all the time. That’s why its so important to be very focused and play every hand the best way possible. Playing a hand just because your bored is one of the most costly mistakes you can make. And right now is one of my most common.

My second most common mistake which goes along with the first is folding good hands when some one raises in front of me. Hands that only get you into trouble like the famous KQ suited. A great hand with out a raise but a crap hand with one.

So its back to the tables, just need to remember what I have learned. Then most importantly DO IT.

October 28, 2006

Professional Help

Well I think I may need a little anger management class or something. There are so many things that will make me steam inside that its ridiculous. I am not however one of the people at the table who talks a lot when I lose. I am instead very quiet and usually trying to concentrate on my problems and focusing on a solution. Just about the only thing that will make it bubble over is when someone else is loosing and they wont shut up. It takes a lot of strength for me not to say anything but the determining factor is usually how much money they have left. If they still have money either on the table or in their pocked I will keep quiet and hope that they steam all their chips off. If they are almost broke and they are really annoying me sometimes I cant help but make some little comment to them. it’s a horrible flaw, but one I have not concurred yet.

About October 2006

This page contains all entries posted to Ex Poker Pro in October 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2006 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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