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Casino Games

Every day I go to the casino I play poker. I only play poker, and don’t consider it gambling. I would consider gambling to be anything where the odds are stacked against you, however so slight, but with a chance to win some prize or jackpot. Poker, If you are playing against people worse then you, is not gambling. I hate to see the players that win big then go lose half the money, or all, at a black jack table. They work so hard to play well and then blow it. In the last few months of playing I have not played one single hand of black jack. No craps, No Pia Gow! Ok I put $10 into a slot machine while waiting for a game once. They got me that day. But what I am saying is if you keep track of your poker winnings then you should also keep track of your GAMBLING winnings. Especially the days you win playing poker. If 50% of your winnings always goes back to the house at a table game it makes being a winning player much harder.

Stay away from the table games! If it means using a different entrance, use it. Walk a little further, etc. Those extra steps could be making you a lot of saved bets. As always a saved bet keeps money in your pocket just as much as a bet won.


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